Environment and International Cooperation – online training

19 March 2018 09:00 - 4 June 2018 17:00,

Deadline to apply for the course is 8.03.2018

Open to all Salesian PDOs.

The course “Environment and International Cooperation” in particular aims at involving training development operators on how to improve environment and natural resources in all their aspects (water, soil, air, waste, noise, biodiversity, energy, health food, etc.), in order to design sustainable and long-lasting development projects and paths. The environmental factor is imperative in international cooperation agendas because of the strong correlation between human well-being and environmental quality. From that correlation derives the need to introduce the environmental component in the formulation and management of development initiatives (Environmental Mainstreaming).

More information in the links below:

180118_VIS Course presentation

180118_VIS Course outline