On the 12th of October, an important workshop dedicated to activities that combine income, education and formation in VET, or vocational education and training schools, was held in Brussels. The Salesian world also participated via Barbara Terenzi for Don Bosco International (DBI) and the International Volunteers for Development (VIS).The discussion panel comprised members of the public and private sectors: EU institutions, universities, NGOs, the private sector, vocational education and training institutes, and international organizations.The work day focused on three fundamental questions, at the center of discussions by experts of Unit B3 (Migration and Work) of the Directorate-General of the European Commission for Cooperation and Development: 1) can VET institutions support the development of entrepreneurship and industry; 2) what innovative approaches (in terms of partnerships, policies and governance mechanisms) can be adopted and what factors determine the success or failure of « productive » production units; 3) what mechanisms can be put in place to mitigate the negative effects on the local economy and the labor market. More information in documents section: 171012_TVET_VIS; 171012_EuropeAid_VET Workshop_AGENDA_Brussels (3); 171012_DEVCO Salesian T-VET